What is magnetism?

You know that feeling when you enter a room and you notice that there's a certain magnetic quality that some individuals effortlessly exude?  It's more than just physical attractiveness—it's an intangible charm, a captivating aura that draws you in. Welcome to the world of personal magnetism, where confidence, self belief, and high frequency energy converge to create an irresistible allure.

Magnetism isn't reserved for some and not others — it's simply about learning to tap into your unique personal magnetic energy. Unlike manifestation, it doesn't involve focusing on a future where you have specific things like a new car, relationship or job. Because it’s not what we seek thats important, its why we are seeking it, or more specifically — the feeling we are hoping it will give us.

Magnetism is about embodying the feeling of your vision in the present knowing that’s all that we ever really have. When you do so - you effortlessly attract opportunity, income, relationships + joy into your life, because you are showing up in alignment with those outcomes. See the difference? Waiting for things to happen only keeps them further away from us. When we show up in the energy of gratitude, presence and joy we seamlessly attract more of that energy into our lives.

We attract what we are — not what we want.

The Ingredients of Personal Magnetism

  • Confidence: Confidence is the cornerstone of personal magnetism. It's not about being boastful or arrogant but learning how to embrace your authentic self and owning it with pride.There is nothing more magnetic than someone who has made peace with themselves.

  • Self Belief: Being able to believe in the vision of what's possible -- even when the evidence is not in front of you. “Acting as though”. The ability to trust in yourself and your potential. This also involves rewriting + letting go of the limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in old habits and patterns of behavior

  • High Frequency Energy: The ability to attune your focus to what's going right, more than what's going wrong.  Having an empowered outlook can be incredibly magnetic. Positivity is contagious, and people are naturally drawn to those who radiate good vibes.

  • Overcoming Inner Resistance: This looks like learning to show up for yourself even when it feels unnatural or difficult. Cultivating self discipline, knowing that your future lies in the habits of today. 

    How I cultivate magnetism with clients =

    1. Taking inventory of current beliefs + reprogramming limiting beliefs holding you back through guided self hypnosis,
    2. Setting an authentic vision for whats next, that is aligned with your values and greater purpose,
    3. Breaking down the vision into habits and a repeatable daily routine,
    4. Radiance, meditations to affirm a new energetic state of being and positive belief systems.

A few journal prompts to connect to your personal magnetism:

  1. Reflect on moments when you felt most authentic and true to yourself. What were you doing, and how did it make you feel?

  2. Think about people you find charismatic. What specific traits or behaviors do they possess that draw you in?

  3. Imagine your ideal social scenario. How would you carry yourself, and what energy would you project to attract positive attention?

  4. Reflect on activities or environments that fill you with positive energy. How can you incorporate more of these into your daily life?

You can learn to cultivate a magnetic mindset in our upcoming ‘Magnetic Mindset Mastery Course’.  Unleash your inner magnetism, and watch as the world is drawn to the irresistible force that is your authentic self.


Learning to relax is accepting what is.


Learning to enjoy the gap.