We’ve made it to the final aspect of the course — watering our garden.
So what does that mean? Lets explore a little visual analogy for a moment.
Think of your life as a backyard. Every relationship and opportunity we have is a seed that we plant into the grounds of our own garden of life. We understand that without the soil being rich enough in nutrients and adequate amount of water — the seed will not grow.
When we are worn and tired out — putting everyone else’s needs beyond our own, our soil is dry and unforgiving grounds for a blooming garden. If we over water the seeds in our life — we drown them.
Its a fine balance, keeping our soils fertile and balancing the energy and care we pour into those in our lives. When we look after ourselves, we are tending to our soil. That is — our capacity to show up for our relationships, or even be open to them in the first place. When we are burnt out we don’t have anything extra to give, our relationships suffer. The first and foremost action we can take to better our relationships is taking better care of ourselves.
When we plant new seeds, it can be overwhelming tempting to check them every day for growth and overwater them. This is like trying to force relationships to grow beyond their natural pace. When we let go of the outcome and focus on the bedrock of our own lives — we release out attachment to how our relationships unfold. Sometimes we may tend to a seed that ends up being a weed — frustrating. But this is life. Do not let any past disappointments in your relationships or friendships deter you from tending to the new relationships brewing in your life.
Check in with yourself — how is your soil?
How much do you water those in your life — too little, or too much?
See if you can invite more balance into your life. Focus on whichever area intuitively calls for you.
Lets finish this workshop with the following prompts:
What area would most benefit from your focus — your soil or the seeds?
How could you tend to yourself this week? What would leave you with more energy?
Can you schedule that into your week now?
How could you tend to someone else in your life this week?
What would that look like? To water them? Can you schedule that in?