Although we covered a lot to do with our internal relationship last month through the Magnetic Workshop, it’s an ever evolving relationship that requires regular check ins. When we feel out of whack or out of balance, our relationships with others quickly follow suit. For that reason, we are starting at the foundation of where all relationships stem from — the one we have with ourselves.
The idea of this section is to get a grasp on the tone of language we use to speak to ourselves, how we feel towards ourselves and how we treat ourselves. This is a judgement free zone, and as you explore these areas it’s perfectly natural if emotions arise along the way.
‘The intent of this exploration is not to condemn or punish ourselves for ways we showed up when we did not have better tools at our resource. It’s about acknowledging where we are, so we know the first steps to take to get to where we want to be.’
Explore the following prompts on a piece of paper or a private journal:
What is the quality of the relationship I currently have with myself?
Whats the general tone of how I speak towards myself?
What is currently influencing my capacity to show up for myself?
Is it something external holding me back from doing things I love, or something internal?
What would it feel like to fully show up for my own needs?
What would that look like, day to day, week to week?
— Schedule one thing in to your weekly schedule that you mentioned in number 6 above.