Now that we’ve introduced the habit of self work to our weekly routine, it's time to get to the heart of the course -- The magnetic self meditation. This meditation involves visualization which may feel strange to begin with. There is no right or wrong way to go about it and don’t worry if you do not have a crystal clear image in your mind. Whatever comes up for you is exactly as it should be.

The visualizations are intended as guideposts to help bring forth desires and tap into a subconscious state. In this state we can see the possibilities of ourselves without the clouds of doubt and limiting beliefs. If for any reason it feels unnatural to sit while meditating, consider listening with headphones and walking outside, allowing yourself to slightly zone out (the same feeling as when you are lost in thought) while you listen.

The intention of the magnetic self meditation is to witness our truest self (= fulfilling our highest potential) and then work backwards to implement habits and traits TODAY that bring us closer to that place.

The power of tapping into this meditation on a daily basis is aligning our energy with what it *feels* like to embody this version of ourselves. The more we reinforce this feeling the easier it becomes to embody this state day to day outside of our meditation practice. Like anything, with time and with practice it becomes easier and more natural.

That means -- the effectiveness of this workshop lies in your consistency. This month is all about strengthening your ability to sit down daily and prioritize your meditation and self care time.  It’s not about never missing a day, but rather how often you can get back on track after a day off. Don’t let a day turn into two and then into a week. Acknowledge if you miss a day but choose to place the importance on the consistency -- not the perfection of your new practice.

Now, when your ready: 

The Magnetic Self Meditation


After meditating, it's powerful to capture the insights that may have come through, so when you are finished your meditation take a moment to write up whatever has come up for you. Once you’ve finished your own insights, use the following prompts to deepen the connection to your visualized self.


• What traits did your most magnetic self embody?

• Were there any physical cues about where you were living or working that stood out?

• What's one actionable step you can take today towards that self?


