Self work is an intimate task.

It involves looking at ourselves in a way where we can feel more bare than nudity and because of such, it’s important to set a time and place that feels protected.

It doesn't have to be anywhere particularly special, just somewhere you will have uninterrupted time and you feel safe. This sacred space is something we will set now, and try to remain consistent with.

Choose + set up a place that can be your self work home for the next four weeks.

One of the wonders of the brain is pattern recognition, which we want to use to our advantage.

When we are in certain physical environments we tend to assume that certain things will follow. For example when we get into bed, our brain associates this place with sleep and rest. When you sit down in your sacred place for this workshop, your mind follows the cues and understands its time to tap into a reflective mindset.

With this safe space, it will be easier to be honest with ourselves as we explore new ideas over the next few weeks. 

I remember when I was living at home during the Covid-19 lockdowns -- this safe space was my car, parked up in a nearby nature park. I felt like I could relax here because I knew no one was going to knock on the door or bother me while I meditated or journalled. Now, its the dining room table next to my favourite plants. Decide where will be your sacred place for the duration of this workshop.

Once you have, see if you can make this area more pleasant as your ritual space. Perhaps its cleaning the area, lighting and incense or candle before you start today or placing a plant nearby. Do something that makes the space feel good to you. 

This area is what we will refer to as our ritual space, and where will be your home for this workshop these next few weeks.


My little self care corner of the house. Laptop. Hot coffee. Headphones + my journal. It doesn’t have to be anything special, just a space that feels like you + where you will be uninterrupted.


