Now we’ve explored all of my favorite tools to embody our most magnetic self, we can focus on maintaining consistency. See below for daily and weekly suggestions moving forward:
Morning Routine during Weekdays (spending time doing things in alignment with our values and goals)
Morning Waterfall Journalling
Magnetic Self Meditation / or alternative meditation
Setting an intention
Movement of your choice (anything that feels good to you)
Taking time to schedule in our values
Habits that bring us closer to our goals
Scheduling a date with ourselves
The more we do things that feel like ‘us’. The type of things that leave you feeling energized and restored, the more we naturally start to glow. We call forward opportunities and people that connect with us at our core. These connections are so beautifully authentic, you’ll wonder how you settled for less in the past.
When we tend to our needs and our internal wellbeing, we set the standard for the energy we receive from the world. Your very act to show up to this membership indicates your willingness to choose your needs. The willingness and the courage required to act on your needs at any given moment makes you magnetic.
You may meet guilt or resistance to stepping more fully into your authentic self. You may fear that you will lose people by honoring your needs. I invite you to trust that any space that opens in your life by being more true to yourself is a space that can be filled by grace. By things that are more aligned and connect deeper to the most honest version of who you are.