Consistency is everything. When we understand the power of our daily routine, we can clearly see that what we do today, however small, repeated daily = massive results. Without the daily repetition though, small action reflects exactly that, small results. The power in your life lies in your consistent action.  

The ability to show up day after day, even if just for ten minutes to move closer to where you want to be. Little by little adds up and soon, it reaches a tipping point where what once felt unnatural and impossible is now your day to day reality. I’ve seen it time and time again in my own and clients lives -- daily action is everything. 

Moving closer to embodying the truest version of ourselves is really simple when we break it down into manageable chunks. You’ve already done the hardest work -- acknowledging the truth of what's in your heart. But now -- the tangible work begins, which is alchemising that vision into reality. It sounds ‘woo-woo’ but the truth of it is, everything we experience starts as a vision (furniture, homes, bedding, buildings, cellphones, movies -- you name it). It was first thought, and then became a reality through ACTION. If others can hold visions and take action to make it a reality -- why can’t you? This is the beauty of life! To create. So let’s break down our magnetic self vision down into daily habits.
