So often I’ll feel a sense of being ‘out of whack’ with myself. It kind of feels like driving a car with your foot on the gas and it's not moving anywhere, the smell of burning tires in the air.  In fact there's been long periods of my life where I’ve put so much on my plate I’ve forgotten that I have a life outside of the things “I do”. We are called human beings, but I was more of a human doing. Most of what I spent my time doing was dictated by what I thought I should be doing or just whatever was asked of me. As you can imagine, I started to feel pretty drained. 


As I got clearer on my own values through the exercise you’ve just done, I decided to completely restructure my weekly schedule. I bought a membership to my local yoga studio and booked my classes at the start of the week (so I couldn’t bail at the last minute). I took an inventory of my relationships and prioritized the ones where I felt the most seen, heard and appreciated (making sure to pour my time and energy into loving them too). I let myself explore self improvement by buying books and signing up for weekend workshops. I moved out of my old apartment and found a space that felt more like me with more natural light. 


It can feel strange to make these changes. It can feel like a great shift is happening inside of you. In fact there is. By showing up today in this space you are taking ownership of more space in this world. You are making more authentic decisions that in turn radiate more aligned opportunities and synchronicities your way. 


If you haven't got one already, having a morning routine is a great opportunity to prioritize our values. Set your alarm for the same time every morning (around an hour or more before you need to get ready to leave the house). Take your values list and see how you can build a few into your morning routine. There are no words to describe the feeling of getting to do something for ourselves before the demands of the external world flood in. As an added benefit, rising at the same time each day helps us to sleep deeper. 


If you already have a morning routine -- see if how you are spending that time includes your value system or goals. 


If you’ve noticed things in your schedule that reflect none of your intrinsic values, see if you can replace them with activities that do. Remember -- the more what you do and what you value align, the more magnetic and radiant you are. It is a natural byproduct of living in your truth. A truth defined by your own unique standards. 


value clarity exercise