The Magnetic Mind Course

Over the next four weeks we will explore the dynamics that accelerate or hinder our growth, gain clarity on our vision, expand out of limiting self beliefs, reinforce new empowering beliefs and cultivate a true magnetism and inner radiance.


  • WEEK ONE: The Dynamics

    Getting to know ourselves and where we are at currently. Exploring what is required to get to where we want to go + how to align with our desired future. Understanding the Law of Cause and Effect.

  • WEEK TWO: The Vision

    Creating a clear vision for ourselves + our lives. Reinforcing new energy — vitality + radiance through self hypnosis meditation. Understanding the Law of attraction in creating what we want.

  • WEEK THREE: The Metamorphosis

    Raising our energetic frequency. Letting go of our limitations + expectations to flow with our lives. Understanding the Law of Vibration in cleansing and raising our own energy.

  • WEEK FOUR: The Radiant Self

    Tapping into the energy of our most magnetic self through meditation + daily action. Showing up for the practice and choosing new thought patterns. Understanding the Law of Aligned Action and how to connect with our intuition.

“Nobody changes until they change their energy.

If you change your energy, you change your life.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza (neuroscientist)

What does it mean to be magnetic?

To be in alignment with our highest self. For our lives to reflect our desires and inherent values. To effortlessly attract positive people, experiences, income and opportunity into our lives. To live in the law of least resistance.