Amber Lyon
Founder, Coach & Author

It’s my mission to help you overcome past limitations and beliefs in order to live up to your full potential. Whether that’s a business idea you want to bring to life, wanting to have rich and fulfilling relationships, or simply raising your standards for yourself to live an exceptional life — my magnetic framework breaks it down step by step.

I founded Modern Mind in 2018 as a wellness platform to share practical tools and principles that I discovered made measurable progress towards our goals while cultivating a mindset of joy and appreciation on the way there.

In 2022, I started teaching my Magnetic Method privately as a Personal Development Coach, working with clients from every age and culture across the globe to implement my process in a 1:1 environment.

Now you can access my tools and practices in my debut book You Are A Magnet’: Guiding principles for a magnetic & joyful life.


The Magnetic App - Feel the instant shift users rave about. Audio tracks & meditations to listen on the go.

  • The guided audio I’ve used to create a life full of daily joy + creating divinely aligned experiences and opportunities. Break through fears and imprint new beliefs + biological responses with this daily audio experience.

  • Join now with a 7 Day FREE trial to feel the magnetic shift. 93% of users felt more calm and confident after ONE track.

Are you ready to take your dreams out of your mind and into your life?


Transformative Life Coaching - For the empowered woman ready to take her business, love life and confidence to a new level.

  • You are navigating a period of change, have felt stuck in a rut, or feeling like you are ready to see what life looks like when you rise to your full potential. This powerful, one on one container with Amber is for those ready for immediate change.

  • Over 12 sessions, I’ll custom create a magnetic roadmap for you to realize your vision, delivering a custom protocol after each session including: meditations, guided hypnosis, weekly reflections, exercises and prompts. Expect: Undeniable external success as a result of honoring your authentic self and leaning into your code for joy.

Private Coaching

Private Coaching

Feel like you were made for more, but can’t seem to figure out for what? Or know what calls for you but don’t trust yourself or life enough to take the leap of faith?

I've helped countless talented individuals overcome limiting beliefs, regulate & expand their nervous system, set clear authentic visions and take massive action — which will allow you to finally make bold, exciting moves, and reach the outcomes in life you deserve (all while enjoying the present and reclaiming your self worth from performance).

In my limited private coaching environment we identify and gain clarity on your authentic desires, break down whats been holding you back from pursuing that path (limiting beliefs, a critical inner dialogue, judgement, fears) and rewrite your story so that you can start aligning with what you want most.

What my clients have to say

  • "Amber really helps you dial into exactly what you want and outlines clear steps to achieve your dreams and desires. If your intuition led you to Amber, you should definitely trust it!”


  • “Coaching with Amber has changed my life for the better. From the beginning, she showed up to each of our calls with a genuine, calm, helpful, and curious energy. She helped me put together an actionable plan to help me take my dreams of launching my own business and turn it into a reality. She also provided strategic advice that was invaluable based on her own personal business success. Most importantly, she helped me do deep work dissecting my limiting beliefs and traumatic experiences from childhood in a way that goes far beyond what I experienced in years of therapy."


  • “I had such a wonderful experience with Amber during our sessions. Even before we started I loved the way she took time to understand where I was at and where I’d come from to tailor the work and each session to what I needed and where I wanted to go. Over the time we worked together my life started coming together in a really exciting way."


  • "Through our 1-on-1 sessions, guided meditation and hypnosis I was able to uncover and overcome blocks that I wasn’t even aware of, define the essence of what it is I’ve been seeking and create an actionable plan towards achieving my goals. I am so grateful for our time together and would recommend her program to anyone.”


  • "This was filled with really meaningful opportunities and tools to set a realistic but transformative routine. I feel like I actually had a grounded practice to hold onto during a really uncertain period of my life right now."


  • “Working with Amber was an absolutely life changing experience. She taught me how to tune into my intuition at a critical fork in the road for me and guided me towards literally creating my dream life. Above and beyond this her pragmatism and coaching allowed me to stay accountable and create and tweak key platforms for a new business. Would not be here without you, Amber!”


Recent Press

“You are a magnet is a modern guide to awakening your inner power.”
- Yung Pueblo, #1 NYT Bestselling Author

You are a Magnet: Your Roadmap to a Magnetic and Joyful Life.

The Magnetic App


Each guided experience is a unique blend of affirmations, binaural beats and visualization to: expand your nervous system & biologically activate new BELIEFS + inner dialogue to create more ease, flow and opportunity.

Tap into the embodiment of what you want, SUPER-SPEEDING your goals while enjoying the ride there.

Listen anywhere, anytime, to tap into a magnetic mindset.

The Latest on The Podcast

Every Tuesday I sit down for a solo episode or interview with a new thought leader, wellness expert, holistic health practitioner or entrepreneur to explore their own personal development stories, sharing practical tools that you can use today to take ownership + action towards your dreams.


Author and Magnetic Mindset coach — Amber Lyon, founded Modern Mind as an online journal of philosophical ideas and reflections on how to show up in alignment with more joy, ease and opportunity. Her now iconic ‘visual meditations’ of words alongside soothing gradients have been shared by millions online and continue to guide her tight knit, growing community of light seekers.

Born and raised in a small town in New Zealand, Amber now resides in New York City.